BC BioMedia:
Controls Ammonia Levels
Controls Nitrate/Nitrite Levels
Reduces Water-change Frequency
Reduces Tank Cleanout Frequency
Maintains Dissolved Oxygen levels
Increases Capacity in Tank
Maintains Healthy Aquatic Environment
Creates Floating Media Bed for plant growth
The Natural Solution
Ammonia Elminating Technology
Natural Aqua Systems
The New, Improved Bio-Mediia
BC BioMedia
Typical Moving Bed Filter Media
Bubble Clear BioMedia is a unique highly porous plastic media that can be utilized in applications accross multpile markets including wastewater treatment, aquaculture, aqua-ponics and hydro-ponics.
The uniqe media design has the following attributes:
Highly boyant
100x - 200x the porosity of typical Moving Bed Filter Media
More surface area per volume ( compared to typical filter media)
Light weight
Durable ( doesnt break down over time)
More cost effective
Mulitple Sizes and Shapes